
PETA: Animal care tips in light of Taal Volcano eruption

How to help the animals of Taal Volcano.

PETA Asia announces that the organization has been working to help animals affected by the Taal Volcano eruptions in the Philippines. “We’re doing everything we can to get onto Taal Island (right now, authorities aren’t allowing anyone access) as well as feeding and giving water to animals in the evacuation zone whose caretakers have fled the area,” says PETA Asia.

For the past several years, PETA has been helping to improve the lives of working horses (and other animals) living on Taal Volcano by holding clinics that have provided hundreds of horses working in the worst conditions with dental care (filing down the sharp edges of their teeth), hoof care, vaccinations, and parasite prevention. While the lives of these horses will never compare to what they’d enjoy in a sanctuary, meeting their most basic healthcare needs has greatly alleviated their suffering.

In surrounding areas affected by the Taal eruptions, animals are at serious risk from ashfall and abandonment. Please read and share the following information. It could save lives.

To keep animals safe, follow these simple tips:

  • If you’re in an area affected by dangerous sulfur dioxide gas and falling ash, keep animals safe indoors with you. Ash emissions are dangerous to both humans and other animals.
  • Be ready with leashes, harnesses, carriers, medication, and food, and keep your animal companions close by so that in an emergency you can flee together at a moment’s notice.

If you have to evacuate, never leave animals behind. There is no way of knowing what may happen to your home while you’re away, and you may not be able to return for days or even weeks. Animal companions who are left behind may be injured or killed, become malnourished or dehydrated, or escape in fear and get lost. Good intentions aren’t good enough—always take your animals with you.

If you must leave animal companions behind, be sure to do the following:

  • Don’t tie animals outside, leave them caged, or keep them in a vehicle unattended. Leave them in a secure area inside your home.
  • Leave out at least 10 days’ supply of water. Fill every bowl, pan, and plastic container with water, and then set them on the floor. Don’t leave just one container—it may be knocked over. Fill sinks, too. If your toilet bowl is free of chemical disinfectants, leave the toilet seat up to provide animals with one more source of water, but it shouldn’t be the only source.
  • Leave out a supply of dry food that can last at least 10 days. Canned food will quickly go bad.
  • If you can’t get to your home, contact a reliable neighbor or friend to check on your animals and get them out, if possible. Provide specific instructions for care.

If you see any animals in distress and you’re unable to help, note their location and contact PETA immediately on 0999-888-7382. We are also in great need of the following items, if you’re able to donate:


Donate to PETA’s Taal Volcano Anima Relief Effort here.

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