Film & TV

Meet ‘The Defenders,’ your new favorite misfit heroes

The question we had in mind when Iron Fist aired was: How can we take this Danny Rand dude seriously? In the series, he is, without question, a “kid” only starting to come to grips with his powers. He takes himself way too seriously, but the world is not buying it. Not everyone, anyway. He seems too goofy to be a Marvel hero.

With The Defenders trailer now in circulation, we are seeing it all come together. Not all heroes with super powers have to be as serious as Luke Cage, or as dark as the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen. With a name like Iron Fist, it shouldn’t come as a shock: Danny Rand appears to be The Defenders’ punching bag and comic relief. And with Jessica Jones as the resident champion of sarcasm, we see it working. If all four were so typical, it wouldn’t be fun, right? And judging by the trailer, The Defenders looks like it’s going to be a fun series to watch, at the very least.

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