Film & TV

Ezra Miller on his latest role as The Flash

An excessively energetic student attending Central City College, Barry Allen studies criminal justice with the hope of one day freeing his incarcerated father. More than eager to team up with the crime-fighting icon Batman, Barry’s quick mind is surpassed only by his ability to move at hyper-speed.

Ezra Miller, who plays the dual role, is himself a longtime fan of the comics, the character, and the physics behind him. “The Flash is a scientist in the sense that a scientist studies the natural order of things, makes observations and performs experiments,” Miller explains. “But Barry’s inherently interested in quantum mechanics because he’s literally running into them.”

When we first meet Barry in the film,” Miller continues, “he’s just awakening to his powers. He hasn’t really tested them out, he’s not yet breached the event horizon, as it were. But he’s starting to feel there’s an opportunity waiting for him.”

That opportunity comes in the form of none other than Bruce Wayne. Initially resistant, when Barry realizes it is actually the Batman who is asking for assistance, he is unable to contain his excitement, a feeling Miller expects the audience will share. “The Flash is a gateway character,” says Miller. “He’s like any of us would be, a spectator excited about being brought into the game. He’s giddy and delighted, bemused and confused…and admittedly really scared.”

As portrayed by Miller, Barry’s youth and naiveté only add to his charm. But the molecules whirring about within Barry give him a nervous energy and a rapid-fire conversational style that could wear on his more world-weary counterparts were it not for his genuine enthusiasm and complete willingness to join the League. A League which numbers, according to Bruce… “Not enough.”

Despite his natural levity, Miller felt the weight of joining the League when he stepped onto the set among the other Super Heroes. “It was that feeling when you look at someone you know, at real people, but you suddenly see an Alex Ross painting in front of you. And you’re in it, too!” he exclaims.

From Warner Bros. Pictures comes the first-ever Justice League big screen epic action adventure, directed by Zack Snyder and starring as the famed lineup of DC Super Heroes: Ben Affleck as Batman, Henry Cavill as Superman, Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, Ezra Miller as The Flash, Jason Momoa as Aquaman, and Ray Fisher as Cyborg.

Justice League is distributed worldwide by Warner Bros. Pictures, a Warner Bros. Entertainment Company.

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